
Recensione Yashica ML Fisheye 15mm f/2.8 Usato

The Yashica ML Fisheye 15mm f/2.8 is a rare lens produced by Yashica. It offers an ultra-wide angle of view, perfect for panoramic images or creative photography.

The lens features a manual focus with an f/2.8 ratio, ensuring good brightness. Another feature is the increase in the barrel distortion effect that adds an artistic and dynamic touch to the images.

Ideal for innovative photography enthusiasts looking for a different photographic experience. With its unique features, the Yashica Fisheye 15mm f/2.8 is perfect for landscape, street and architecture photography.

At the moment Yashica ML Fisheye 15mm f/2.8 it is not available in RCE stores.
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