
Recensione Tokina AT-X 10-17mm f/3.5-4.5 DX Fish-eye Usato

The Tokina AT-X 10-17mm f/3.5-4.5 DX Fish-eye is a wide-range lens with high-quality construction, branded by Tokina and designed for Canon & compatible Reflex segment cameras. This lens offers extraordinary versatility, able to revolutionize your photographic experience with a fish-eye effect). Characterized by a maximum opening of f/3.5-4.5 and a focal length of 10-17mm, this lens has a zoom ratio of 1.7x and a maximum viewing angle of 180 degrees. The considerable weight of about 350g testifies to the quality and robustness of the materials. It has the One-touch Focus Clutch focusing system. Ideal for those who want to experiment with new ways of capturing the surrounding world, perfect for panoramic and architectural shots. The ability of this lens to produce images with an extremely wide field of view makes it suitable also for interior and landscape photography.

Tokina AT-X 10-17mm f/3.5-4.5 DX Fish-eye Disponibili nei negozi RCE:

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