
Recensione Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III Usato

The Canon EF 75-300mm lens f/4-5.6 III is an extremely versatile and competitive zoom telephoto lens, in terms of quality-price ratio. The lenses of this lens provide a perspective compression such as to make it the ideal ally especially in the context of portrait photography and in naturalistic photography. Also appreciated in the photograph of sporting events, the Canon and 75-300mm III series telephoto lens is characterized by a medium-open diaphragm, variable from the f/4 value to value to value, depending on the shot situation. It is an electromagnetic diaphragm, capable of guaranteeing precise control of the opening. Being a zoom telephoto lens, the purchase of this lens also allows us to obtain high performance in different depth situations, guaranteeing, as well as all the zoom telephoto lens, the full control of the outburst, both in the photograph in the studio and in the photography outdoor . The focal length varies from 75mm to 300mm, allowing us to approach the subject in a controlled way, especially in those situations where it is necessary to keep at a distance, in order not to distort the subject prospective, or, as in the case of landscape photography and in sporting events, To allow us to resume the whole scene, in a very large portion of image. With a weight of 480g, the Canon EF 75-300mm F/4-5.6 III telephoto lens presents a light structure and a minimal design that simplify its use, even in the event of prolonged photographic sessions. Furthermore, the lenses of this lens are characterized by coatings super spectra , a particular technology that allows you to significantly reduce the halos and unwanted reflections, preventing the light that is reflected on the camera sensor to create annoying artifacts. The super spectra treatment patented by Canon, in fact, allows you to significantly improve the contrast and balance of the color. The Canon EF 75-300mm F/4-5.6 III telephoto lens is also characterized by a DC-type focus engine, known to speed up performance. The focus, which can be carried out both in manual mode and in automatic AF mode, will therefore always be controllable precisely, starting from a minimum shooting distance of 1.5m from the subject. As specified by Canon also in the name of the lens itself, the attack of this lens is of the EF type and is compatible with all the reflex machine bodies that mount this type of bayonet. Overall, compared to many telephoto lens of the same type, the Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III lens stands out for practicality and economy, guaranteeing medium-high performance even in difficult snap situations.

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