
Recensione Canon EF 20-35mm f/3.5-4.5 USM Usato

The Canon EF 20-35mm f/3.5-4.5 USM lens is a wide-angle lens compatible with all Canon EF series cameras that work with Full Frame or APS-C technology. The focal length dimensions vary from 20 to 35mm and the lenses are made up of 12 elements divided into 11 optical groups. The zoom is via a ring and focusing is achieved using an ultrasonic AF motor; the diameter of the filters is 77mm. The weight of this component is equal to 340 grams and the dimensions are 84mm in diameter by 69mm in length. the Canon EF 20-35mm f/3.5-4.5 USM lens is therefore particularly light and has the advantage of having sensational sharpness and low distortion; the zoom works without any mechanical stretching. Photos taken with the help of the Canon EF 20-35mm f/3.5-4.5 USM lens are ideal for creating impressive images, which can be used for promotional purposes or with the aim of affecting people especially from an emotional point of view and romantic. in fact, the lens combines sharpness with the presence of flare, which on the one hand annoys those trying to capture maximum realism, on the other favors those who love spectacular, light-filled images. Using this lens you can take photographs that have their best quality in artistic expression. Ideal for: it is a model suitable for everyone, professionals and amateurs, as it allows the photographer to take shots of all types, obtaining a result rich in emphasis, light and colour. Anyone who wants to make photography an art must absolutely try it.

Canon EF 20-35mm f/3.5-4.5 USM Disponibili nei negozi RCE:

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