
Recensione AstrHori 25mm F2.8 Macro 2.0-5.0x NIKON Z Usato

The Nikon AstrHori 25mm F2.8 Macro 2.0-5.0x is a dedicated mirrorless lens, designed for NIKON cameras with Z mount. It's an excellent choice for professional photographers looking for perfection in detail.

This lens provides a magnification ratio from 2.0 to 5.0x, maximum aperture of F2.8, a fixed focal length of 25mm and a field of view of 10.3 degrees. Designed with a compact design, it ensures sharp images with excellent control of chromatic aberrations.

Ideal for professional photographers or enthusiasts who are dedicated to macro photography, it can ensure ultra-sharp details in photographs of small subjects. Thanks to its maximum aperture of F2.8, it will be your perfect ally for shooting in low light conditions or for creating beautiful bokeh effects.

AstrHori 25mm F2.8 Macro 2.0-5.0x NIKON Z Disponibili nei negozi RCE:

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