
Recensione 7 Artisans 35mm f/0.95 Usato

The 7 Artisans 35mm f/0.95 lens for Canon is a very bright lens that offers excellent performance in low light conditions. It is ideal for photography professionals looking for a perfect balance between sharpness and bokeh.

It offers a maximum aperture of f/0.95, a focal length of 35mm and a field of view of 63 degrees. The lens is made with 11 lenses in 8 groups and has a circular 12-blade diaphragm to create a beautiful bokeh effect.

It is ideal for portrait, street photography and reporting thanks to its extraordinary ability to handle low light. Its very wide aperture also makes it perfect for astrophotography. The 7 Artisans lens is the preferred option for photographers looking for a versatile lens with extraordinary bokeh control.

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