
Recensione Canon EF 8-15mm f/4 L USM Fisheye Usato

The Canon EF 8-15mm f/4 L USM Fisheye is a fisheye lens, as its name suggests, produced since 2011 by the Japanese company. It is suitable for both FF and APSC devices, ideal for photographers who range between the two formats. There is autofocus which occurs via an ultrasonic AF motor, image stabilization is also present and both are of excellent quality and work perfectly, silent and precise, capable of being largely helpful for high quality shots. It has a field angle of 180 degrees, very wide and suitable for all types of photos that require a large focal aperture. The lens hood is supplied and the minimum focusing distance is 15 centimetres, ideal for close-up photos. The distortion of the images is the classic one that can be seen in almost all lenses in this category and the chromatic aberrations are almost absent, the focal length does not appear to be a real zoom but more of a double focal length. The cost is perhaps one of the few flaws of this lens, capable of providing very sharp images with vivid colours. The Canon EF 8-15mm f/4 L USM Fisheye is suitable for both professional and enthusiast photographers who are looking for a lens for more particular photos that differ from classic shots. Using this lens may initially be difficult but you just need to gain a little confidence to be able to fully exploit all its features.

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